New deliveries – Tunnel Rescue Vehicle Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn
The first out of 4 tunnel rescue vehicles has been delivered to our customer Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn in Switzerland. This unique project is setting new standards for tunnel safety. The first vehicles is a passenger transport vehicle. The vehicle will be used in coupled mode with a fire fighting road-rail vehicle and a first aid wagon. On both tunnel ends of the Furka tunnel (16km long) there will be a combination of 2 vehicles and 1 wagon which are 24h 7/7 ready to enter the tunnel in case of emergency. The vehicles can drive in coupled mode and also alone, so that no locomotive is needed. This allows higher flexibility and significant costs savings. The max. speed on track is 50 km/h and the superstructure consists of a special over pressure container that allows to evacuate up to 60 persons per run. There are control stands on both sides of the vehicles which allow driving in both tunnel directions in forward direction. The entire superstructure is a modular system which makes it possible to use the vehicles also for other applications if needed. More information about this unique project will follow soon.